A day in the life of a mineral makeup addict.
*Time out muna :-)*
Tagged by Czel of Vanity's Child.
The basic premise is this – answers should all be “at the current moment.”
1. Where is your cell phone - on the bed
2. Your hair – chin-length
3. Your father – downstairs
4. Your favorite thing - shopping (actual, online and window)
5. Your dream last night – I don't remember
6. Your favorite drink – Lipton Red Tea
7. Your dream goal – our own house
8. The room you are in - bedroom
9. Your fear – sickness/death in family
10. Where do you want to be in 6 years – own home
11. Muffins – blueberry muffins are a fave
12. One of your wish list items – a big vanity table
13. Where you grew up – Quezon City
14. The last thing you did (before answering these questions) – took a bath
15. What are you wearing – old tank top and shorts
16. Your TV - 32" LCD TV
17. Your pets - more like the family's pets: 3 Labradors, 2 huge aquariums of fish
18. Your computer - desktop (I don't know brand) and an HP Mini-Note
19. Your life – stressful
20. Your mood – in pain (currently I have a bad headache)
21. Missing someone – none
22. Your car – none, but hubby has 1
23. Favorite store – online mineral makeup stores
24. Your summer – scorching!
25. Your favorite color/s - violet and blue
26. When was the last time you laughed – last night
27. When was the last time you cried – this afternoon (I was watching RENT The Movie)
28. Last person who emailed you – an online friend in the US
29. Your favorite food – pasta
30. A place you would rather be right now – mall or beach
I tag anyone who wants to be tagged.
**Contents of this blog are my personal opinions. If you do not agree with what I have to say then keep your negative comments to yourself or don't visit here.