Hi everyone. It's been a really eventful week for me, ups and downs as usual. The latest of which was my disappointment after watching the latest Harry Potter film.
I loved the books and the other movies (although the books are much much better than the films) and I am by no means a film critic but it was a bit boring for me and too dark. I almost fell asleep in the middle part of the film. I watched it yesterday early afternoon all by myself because my hubby and daughter didn't want to watch it with me. I got "violent reactions" when I asked them to accompany me. So they just waited until I was done with the movie and they went on their father-daughter bonding session.
Anyway, here are photos of my dresser all filled up. I got lots of comments asking for photos once I've filled it up but just haven't had the time to post them up.
Here's the upper half. The first 2 shelves in the cabinet contains most of the skincare items I have. The ones I use on a daily or weekly basis I put in baskets I got from Daiso so it would be easy to pull them out and get what I need. Behind the baskets are back-ups, stocks and other items I occasionally use.
The 3rd shelf is where I put all my brushes. I don't like to leave them outside because they'd just get dusty/dirty. I didn't change their container anymore. They have small blue stones at the bottom of the boxes so I could just stick the brushes in them. Behind the brushes are some odds and ends for my DIY mineral makeup stuff that I keep forgetting to do.
The 9-drawer box on the desk is my mineral makeup collection of foundations, finishing powders, concealers and glows. They're mostly full-sized items and back-ups are kept somewhere else.
The pull-out cabinet at the bottom of the picture is where I keep all my primers, lippies, blushes and palettes.
Also the topmost part of the dresser serves as storage for other stuff. As you can see it has a clock and 2 sets of plastic containers. The beige one contains skincare items again and the blue one contains office stuff like papers, labels, recipes I cut out, etc.
This is the bottom half of my dresser. Left side is the pull-out chair/cabinet where I put some of my bags. Well, those that are cluttering my other cabinets so I just stuffed them in here. I haven't fixed my bags yet.
The right side cabinet, top shelf is for the rest of my mineral makeup. The pink tackle box houses all my back-ups and full sizes of foundations, powders, blush and glows. The green tackle box houses all my mineral shadows. The printed box contains some DIY stuff again and mostly empty jars.
In the bottom shelf, all my nail polishes are in the blue box. I still have to buy more stackable baskets from Daiso so I could put the polishes in them instead. It's so hard to pull out this huge box and it's not very sturdy.

So there you have it. I still need a bit more organizing but so far, my dresser is serving me well. I hope I can blog more often now. Actually I can but I have been side-tracked by my addiction to Farm Town and the new fishing game of Pet Society both on Facebook. LOL! See you soon.