Valerie Beauty:
- I got Cashmere blush, Flexis in Faerie, Delicate Sweetness, Pashmina, Mimosa. and Something Old.

Everyday Minerals:

- I got the $32 kit with 3 brushes and 3 blushes but I gave the Apple blush and Angled Blush brush to my cousin. There was also the free kit of 3 foundations, a finishing powder and blush and a small pot of In The Garden shadow to get the free gifts. Freebies were a sample pot of New Car Smell blush, an e/s brush and a liner brush but I also gave both brushes to her.
My Minerals Bath & Body:

- These I ordered from Lisa: 5 gram pot of Med. Dk Beige Liquid Foundation, 2 sample sizes of Blinc Kiss Me Mascara, samples of blushes in Red Clay and Blushing Mauve. She included a sample e/s in Heather (Thanks!).
My order:

- I got 7 tubes of UDPP for me and my friends since we can't buy them anywhere here in Asia. Also the Cargo Beach Blush in Echo Beach I've been lemming for the longest time -- it's now finally in my hands!
The next photos are gifts from my cousin:
- All from Victoria's Secret. A limited Edition Vanilla Orange Blossom cologne spray, Hand & Body Cream, undies, Beauty rush l/g and a Very Sexy Mosaic Lip Palette in Ignite (3rd photo).
Not in photos are clothes for me and my daughter, a ton of Bath & Body Works Hand Soaps, lots of chocolates/cookies and other stuff for my brother's wedding. I'll make apost on the wedding next with lots of photos.
I almost forgot. The Cory mmu that was missing, Cory sent them to me again in Priority Mail and I got them last week:

- 3 foundation samples, 4 e/s samples and other finishers, correcters, etc.
So many to try out again. Weee!
So many to try out again. Weee!