We then went to my friend's house so our kids can go trick or treating around their village. The foundation held up really well even if I've been running around the whole day.

Sunday, my uncle from New Zealand came here for business with a short visit on the side. We went to the park/mall to chill out and for me to get some Lush shampoo bars for Sue (*waves* to Sue).
Just wore Silk Naturals Perfecting Powder in the morning when I went out since I thought I could still have time to wash my face again after lunch and put on foundation but I really didn't have time anymore. So I went out with just the powder on (and nobody got scared of me haha!). Blush was a pressed one that I did of 3 glow powders (with a pic in a previous post). Eyes: Pureluxe Harmony on inner V to middle of lid and Cashmere from middle to outer V and crease and Tanzanite gelliner. Lips were Aromaleigh lipstick in Cognac.

Monday was also busy but I forgot to take pics of the mmu I wore. Went to the mall to buy stuff for my aunt and cousins back in New Zealand. I wore UGloGirl in Butter Pecan, UGG Correcting Powder in Lilac, SN Perfecting Powder, Cargo blush in Tonga, Stila mousse shadow pot in Amber and Maybelline 3d Pearls in Absolute Brandy. I really should've taken pics especially since I just got myself a new digital camera (Sony Cybershot DSC-W55 in Pink!) last Friday.

Well, it's gonna be a busy week for me since we have a lot of national holidays coming up. I'll take pics, promise.
Happy Halloween!